#flipclass flashblog topic is about an essential teaching practice. There are
many things involved in teaching. Reflection has always driving my practice, but I would have to say that when I embraced
the idea that failure is just part of any successful process and let go of the
idea that perfection was the measure of success, I became a much better teacher.
This idea allowed me to adapt and meet the needs of as many students as
possible. The plan was always to teach every student, but the execution was
tough as long as mistakes were not an option.
shift has brought much joy to my professional life as well as improved the
classroom for many students. Flipping the classroom allowed time to differentiate,
provide meaningful feedback, adjust strategies mid class period, and really
help students learn and do physics. It has led to more opportunities to include
collaboration, creativity, inquiry, and communication. I started this blog and
after three years of trying, I was able to include student blogs in a second-year
physics course. That same course evolved from traditional to project based
learning to a whole year physics and engineering based service course. There
was a time when I would not speak in front of a crowd of adults, now I am
active in providing professional development in and outside the district. My
students defended their proposals for projects to an audience of district
administrators and experts. None of that would have happened without some risk
along with colleagues and administrators willing to support my journey.
Be brave,
ask questions, try new things, but be honest in your reflections and
evaluations during the process to make sure the process is complete.